MAUSD aims to trim budget, preserve staff

After gathering community feedback and diving deeper into several questions related to district spending and operations, the Mount Abraham Unified School District Board has set a target for a third budget proposal, which district voters will field on June 11.  

MAUSD financial records request is costly

A Bristol woman looking to learn more about Mount Abraham Unified School District finances has requested several documents from the district, and community members have raised funds to support her efforts. 

UPDATED: Slate Valley school spending fails for 3rd time

The absence of an approved FY’25 spending plan pushes SVUUSD closer to the prospect of having to borrow funds to at least begin the next budget cycle, which begins July 1.

MAUSD to host budget forums

Residents in the Mount Abraham Unified School District will have several opportunities next week to share their budget-related feedback with district officials. 

Perry-Askew centered students at MUMS

Janelle Perry-Askew’s career has followed her heart, which — in addition to her family — belongs to science.

Construction aid for schools one step closer

The Vermont Senate on Tuesday approved H.871, a bill that will continue the process of establishing a state aid for school construction program. 

Ways of Seeing: The irony of policing college students

I have been pondering the relationship between policing and teaching. Initially, one might not see the two as related, but they really are quite intertwined.

Letter to the editor: A big shout-out to ECE teachers

As Teacher Appreciation Week approaches in May, I find myself reflecting on the invaluable contributions of our Early Childhood Education teachers here in Addison County.

Letter to the editor: Two issues with school financing

In my view, there are two basic financial problems with Vermont’s Public Education System. First, the cost per pupil is much too high and not sustainable.

ANWSD budget wins big on third attempt

In high turnout, residents of the Addison Northwest School District on Tuesday strongly backed the school board’s third proposed budget of the spring. 

Mt. Abe students rally around their teachers

In the wake of two failed budget votes, students in the Mount Abraham Unified School District are asking district officials to protect educators from potential cuts as they draft a third spending proposal to put before voters. 

Orwell voters field third Slate Valley budget on May 9

Orwell residents will join neighboring towns in Rutland County in making a trip to the polls on Thursday, May 9, to take a third crack at passing a fiscal year 2025 spending plan for the Slate Valley Unified Union School District (SVUUSD).

MAUSD delays budget decisions

The Mount Abraham Unified School District board on Tuesday determined it needs to gather more information and hear from the community before drafting a third budget proposal to put before district voters. 

Editorial: SVUUSD faces double jeopardy

Residents of the Slate Valley Unified Union School District, which serves Orwell and the northwestern part of Rutland County, face tough sledding in getting its school budget passed on a third attempt next Thursday, May 9.

Otter Valley budget defeated again

Voters in the Brandon area on Tuesday got a second chance to approve a fiscal year 2025 spending plan for the Otter Valley Unified Union schools. They said, no thank you.