
Letter to the editor: Helpful resources available for avid gardeners

Thank you for the recent feature article on gardening. As a long-time backyard vegetable gardener, I have also noticed the increased interest in gardening during this time of staying close to home during the pandemic. 
Gardening in Vermont is not for the faint of heart, but  there are many excellent resources online for gardeners who are just beginning their first gardens as well as for experienced gardeners who are stumped by new challenges in their gardens. 
Here is a short list of some Vermont-based resources I have found that offer suggestions and advice:
•  NOFA VT: Educational resources for both new and experienced gardeners at tinyurl.com/NOFA-Vt-tips. 
•  Vermont Community Garden Network:  lots of helpful links for how to have a successful garden at tinyurl.com/VT-Comm-garden
•  Charlie Nardozzi, author, speaker and gardener extraordinaire, has a helpful website including a great video on starting and growing a Victory Garden at gardeningwithcharlie.com.
•  UVM Extension Service Master Gardener Program website: Includes a link for emailing your gardening questions to a Master Gardener at uvm.edu/extension/mastergardener.
Fran Putnam

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