
Letter to the editor: Don’t use CLA as smokescreen

Regarding the Jan. 25 article in the Independent: “ANWSD board opts for bigger budget,” the article stated, “…Chair John Stroup said school officials will have to work hard to explain that spending is not really what’s driving the tax rates so much higher.” The article goes on to say the real culprit is out-of-whack CLA because local tax rates are somehow cushioned by Act 127.

I think clarification is needed. The rules of general accounting dictate that revenue in (taxes raised) equals money out (spending). It doesn’t matter what complexity in the tax system actually resulted in the increased revenue. The money still is spent.

Our school board is only one board among many that collectively have a tree to hide behind. That tree would be our constitutionally dictated “equalized pupil” funding system, and, apparently, this Act 127 as it currently relates to our CLA dilemma. As long as enough school boards hide behind this tree, they all lose accountability to the respective local taxpayer.

The result is one of the highest taxed states in the nation. Let’s not use our current CLA issue as a smokescreen for out-of-control spending.

Matthew Kurtz


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