
Letter to the editor: Childcare payroll tax misguided

Here we go again. The Vermont Legislative body has enacted a payroll tax of .44% on all wages on their quarterly reports. Employers can collect no more than .11% from their employees. Self- employed will pay .11% of their net income. This tax is on all wages. This tax goes to the Child Care Contribution to help families with child care expenses. The tax bill will also create 26 new permanent employees of the state. 

The shortage of child care is the fault of Vermont because of all the regulated rules that caused the closings of child care providers in the state. Note that this bill doesn’t do anything to increase the number of child care providers. 

The tax only increases the cost of doing business and that cost will be passed on to the customer. It will also decrease the employee’s bring home pay. As in the past that payroll tax will only go up as the need to spend more on Socialistic handouts. 

The Legislative body should get their heads out of their, I will be nice, oh sand and realize that the cost of living or doing business in Vermont is going to drive people out of the state and people will think twice about moving to Vermont.

Dennis Cassidy


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