Letter to the editor: Rep. Stefanik is failing her New York constituents
U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York is unfit for any office.
Stefanik says the Supreme Court should vote 9 to 0 that the treasonous ex-president be allowed on the Colorado ballot because “that is the American people’s decision to make in November.” However, when Biden clearly won the last election, Stefanik voted against certifying the election and did not listen to the people’s voices. So, she surely doesn’t care about the American people’s decisions, unless, of course, their decisions match her decisions. She is a hypocrite to the utmost extent: She wouldn’t allow the rights of all voters in 2020, but when it comes to far-right extremist voters, she’ll allow their rights. According to this deluded individual, “American people” only count as American people if they are voting for candidates she supports.
Also, Stefanik lacks education, not bothering to gather the whole truth before making judgments but promulgating conspiracy theories and the right-wing lies. Stefanik supports the greatest existing danger facing the American way — Donald’s sinister autocracy and his pathological lies! The sick, sad people she is among will do and say anything in their desperate attempt to toss out democracy and legitimate votes.
The only thing on which the Supreme Court should rule 9 to 0 is for Donald to be imprisoned for inciting insurrection, election fraud, and every other disgusting crime he has committed, and for you, Elise, to be right beside him in the next cell.
I don’t know who is voting for and following these damaging extremists, or believing their hypocrisy and lies. If it is you, wake up and smell the coffee, quickly, please!
Judy Kowalczyk
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