Letter to the editor: Flag football teams grateful
MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Flag Football (MFF) Board would like to publicly thank its many volunteers who made this past year a success. This year, MFF served 142 young athletes of the greater Middlebury community. The program could not run without the time, energy, commitment and dedication of its volunteers.
Thank you!
1st-3rd Grades (50 players)
• Tony Niemo and helpful parents.
4th Grade (10 players)
• Fire and Ice — Peter Brakeley, Scott Sperry, Don Gaiotti and Joe Wesley.
5th-6th Grades (43 players)
• Champlain Valley Equipment: Andrew Peet and Donny Patterson.
• Forth ‘N Goal (Middlebury Shop): David “Bootsie” Hanson and Kyle Delabruere.
• Nino’s: Bobby Sunderland and Dean Rheaume.
• Bristol (25 players): Dennis Relyea, Taylor Bessette, Jason Copeland, Jeff Mayo, Matt Gagnon, Chris Lampart, Scott Curtis and Gary Russell — BYS Coordinator.
• Brandon (12 players): Duke Whitney, Scott Quenneville and Daniel Whitney.
7th-8th Grades (39 players)
• Carrara: Scott Bougor, K.C. Bullock and Isaiah Bullock.
• G. Stone: Kevin Cummings and Todd Desabrais.
• MacIntyre’s: Brian Sperry and Gabe Laberge.
• Monument Farms: Richard Audet and William Audet.
Officiating Crew
Scott Sperry, Eric Kaufmann, Kyle Lussier, Dave Blow, Laurent Lussier, Donny Patterson, Wil Mackey, Paul Cherrier, Duke Whitney, Richard Audet, Darcy Trudeau, Luke Nuceder, Jacob Kemp, Gavin McNulty, Tucker Morter and Heath Odell.
Board of Directors
Peter Brakeley, June Kaufmann, Laurent Lussier, Peter James, Dennis Smith, Sean Farrell, Bob Ritter, Erin Quinn, Grover Usilton, Todd Desabrais, Scott Sperry and Jed Malcolm.
Middlebury Parks and Recreation Department:
Dustin Hunt and Scott Bourne.
Special Thanks:
The American Legion Post 27 for their generous contributions to the program. And to Lucy Noble at Desabrais Laundry for years of kindness to Middlebury youth football.
Peter Brakeley, Commissioner
Middlebury Flag Football
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