
Lincoln news for Jun. 15

LINCOLN — Twenty-five years ago, on June 27, 1998, the New Haven River flooded and most of the library’s collection was destroyed. The only books remaining were those out on loan and those up on the highest shelves. The Burnham Foundation generously allowed the library to use the upstairs of the hall as temporary headquarters. Lincoln residents rallied together and decided to turn calamity into opportunity and build a new library. On display at the library are photos of the flood, the cleanup, the building of the new library and a collection of books that were saved. 

School is almost out and the library is busy preparing for the summer reading program. The summer kickoff will be held on Wednesday, June 21, from 3 to 5 p.m. and will include a Lego party. The twenty-five new Golden Dome books for the next school year will be presented. The challenge is to read five of them over the summer.

Lincoln Sports Summer Camp is relaunching this summer and they are in need of a handy volunteer to help the older kids build a bridge between the rec field and the tennis courts on their property behind the fire department. The work would be completed July 10-14 during the We Can Build It week of camp. Interested individuals can contact camp director, Dane VanNosdeln, by email at [email protected]. 


Thanks again to everyone who is helping to keep wild chervil and poison parsnip under control, especially the over two dozen regular volunteers! The benefits are satisfaction for helping and beautiful, diverse roadside flowers to enjoy all summer long.

More volunteers are needed to adopt roads, or bits of roads — preferably a road on which you live that you drive/walk/ride regularly, but that’s not a requirement. Roads needing care are: Elder Hill, Ripton Road from the Grimes intersection to the Ripton town line (or a part thereof), Masterson Road, Quaker Street (or a section), Guthrie and Zeno Roads, Green Street, and the Gap Road above Geary to the Warren town line. 

Spades that are specially designed to remove plants, which are much easier on the back, are available at the library. If you are interested in helping, please email Tina at [email protected].

Until next time … Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken. Be There For Others, But Never Leave Yourself Behind.

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