
Letter to the editor: An unforgettable act of kindness

Saturday afternoon, my 10-year-old great-granddaughter and two 12-year-old grand nephews walked to Nino’s to get pizza from our Seymour Street yard sale. On the way home they were walking through the underpass and there was a mishap — the pizza dropped out of the box on the ground. A Middlebury police officer was going by and saw what happened. He stopped and offered to go back to Nino’s with the kids to get another pizza. Nino’s gave the kids a new pizza and the officer bought them all drinks. Then he gave them a ride back to the yard sale in the police car.

This was an unforgettable experience for the kids. Too many times acts of kindness go unnoticed. Our family would like to thank the officer, Daniel Ailinger, and Nino’s for the memorable experience.

Karen Marshall


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