Arts & Leisure

Virtual art for May 7

Edgewater Galleries, Middlebury
Edgewater plans to stick to its spring schedule with its May exhibits entirely online. On view now is “Sight Seeing,” a group show with Elizabeth Hoag, Kathryn Milillo and Julia Purinton. Opening last week was “Perspectives,” a group show with Jane Davies, Jon Olsen, and Alexis Serio. By June, the gallery hopes to have its doors open again for two shows: “Reflections,” a group show with Kathleen Kolb, Lori Mehta and Karen O’Neil; as well as “3 Solos: One Gallery,” featuring Hannah Bureau, Sara Katz, and Jill Matthews. More info here.
Town Hall Theater, Middlebury
The Quarantine Sessions, a series of short videos showcasing THT all-stars, are continuing. Check the THT’s social media channels, Facebook @townhalltheatervt; Instagram @thtmidd and compiled on their website. MCTV will also be broadcasting these mini shows.
World Collage Day
World Collage Day will be May 9. Never heard of it? Not too surprising, it was started just two years ago by Ric Kasini Kadour, an artist who formerly lived in Shoreham and now lives and works in Montreal and Louisiana. 
Artists need to get creative to stay safe amid the coronavirus pandemic. Ideas include making and sharing Collage Starter Kits with their neighbors, installing collage exhibitions in street facing windows, and hosting online collage making events. Learn more here.

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