Arts & Leisure

Bristol concert explores three musical minds

THE HELIAND CONSORT — Katie Oprea on oboe, Cynthia Huard on piano and Betsy Leblanc on clarinet — will perform with Jim Stapleton and Diana Bigelow at the WalkOver gallery on Saturday, Jan 18, at 8 p.m.

BRISTOL — The WalkOver concert room in Bristol will launch its 2020 Cabin Fever Series, on Saturday, Jan. 18, at 8 p.m., with three extraordinary classical musicians. Cynthia Huard on piano, Katie Oprea on oboe and Betsy LeBlanc on clarinet (this trio is also known as the Heliand Consort), will be joined by two thespians: Jim Stapleton and Diana Bigelow. 
Together, these artists will present a unique evening of music and literature.  In a program entitled “Kindred Spirits: The Letters and Music of Brahms and the Schumanns,” the fascinating, intriguing and complex story of the friendship and love triangle among Robert Schumann, Clara Wieck-Schumann and Johannes Brahms — three towering 19-century composers, performance artists and literary personalities, will be explored through relevant and compelling chamber music selections, as well as readings from their collective letters to each other.  The depth and intimacy of the connection among these three great musical minds of the Romantic Era and the influence they exercised on each other yielded a profound and enduring gift of beauty.  This promises to be an evening that reveals the excellence of the human spirit.
The WalkOver concert room is located at 15 Main Street in Bristol. The intimate space takes reservations, which can be made by calling (802) 453-3188, ext. 2, or emailing [email protected]. After 15 years of unchanged ticket prices, the WalkOver venue is suggesting $20 per ticket in advance and $25 per ticket day of, for the 2020 series. If these prices are difficult for any individual the former prices of $15 in advance and $20 day of, will be honored.

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