Letter to the editor: Wygmans should be reelected

As a deputy sheriff and court officer, I work with Dennis Wygmans throughout the week as he performs his duties as State’s Attorney. He works very hard for the people of Addison county. He is a problem solver, working diligently to find solutions that benefit the community and help offenders rehabilitate. He also isn’t afraid to seek punishment when the situation warrants.
He resides in Chittenden county, but works tirelessly for the people here. I don’t really think it makes sense to take someone out of a position where they are performing well and put someone in the position because they live closer. Attorney Wygmans has never had an issue making it to court on time, and answers calls dutifully after hours. The idea that someone from outside the county cannot represent the interests of the community is laughable, if that were true then the last string of judges we’ve had couldn’t perform their duties correctly.
We haven’t had a presiding judge in Addison county that lives in this county in a long time. If anything, having a State’s Attorney from outside the community might be preferable, to avoid accusations of personal bias based on relationships in the community. You generally don’t hire someone based on their geographic location. You hire the most qualified candidate that can do the job and do it well, and in this case, the candidate is Dennis Wygmans.
Michael Hanson

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