City Lions busy with fundraising, dinner and more
VERGENNES — The Vergennes Lions Club has been very busy since starting the new Lions’ year, 2016-2017. Past President Chuck Burkins handed the gavel over to President Jim McClay the first of July, and McClay says they have been running since then.
The Annual Charity Auction was held mid-July raising about $7,000 for the club’s many benefactors. Without the support of the Vergennes-Bristol-Middlebury area businesses and individual donors, this would not have been possible.
In August, the club provided the barbeque chicken dinner to those attending the annual Vergennes Day celebration on the city park. Additional funds were raised at this event. President McClay says, “Things like this are only possible with many Lion members helping.”
Also in August, the club ran a raffle for box seats at the Red Sox vs. Yankee game held in September. The winner of these tickets was David Thompson of Lincoln, having purchased them at Jackman Fuels.
In September, club members helped with the Food For Fuel event held in the park, and sponsored by the Congregational Church. Funds raised help folk needing emergency fuel.
Also in September, International President Bob Corlew came to Vermont to promote membership growth and to thank Vermont Lions for all they do on a daily basis to help those in need. His slogan is “Where there is a need, there is a Lion.” At a welcoming social held at the Colchester Hampton Inn, over 165 Lions heard the president’s address. During the evening, Vergennes Lions member Larry Simino was recognized for over 52 years of service.
Currently, the club is running a “Cash for Christmas” raffle with the drawing scheduled for Dec. 7. Tickets are $10 and the winner will take home 50 percent of all ticket sales, not to exceed $5,000.
The next fundraiser is the annual “Lions Scholarship Fund” tickets, which helps sponsor a number of scholarships for graduating high school seniors, for which tickets go on sale in December.
While all this fundraising is going on, club members are busy building accessible ramps for area folks, helping with hearing aids and glasses, and helping support area organizations such as the Bixby Library, Boys and Girls Club, Vergennes Community Food Shelf, John Graham Shelter, etc.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the Vergennes Lions Club, dinner meetings are held the first and third Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. at the Vergennes American Legion on Armory Lane. Or they may call President Jim McClay at 545-8181.