Tracking dogs help hunters find injured prey
MONTPELIER — The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department recently released a list of certified leashed tracking dog owners who will help locate deer, bear or moose that have been shot during hunting season but not yet recovered. The leashed tracking dog owners must pass an extensive exam administered by Fish & Wildlife in order to be certified and licensed to provide their services.
This list, which may be updated during hunting seasons, is available on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife website (
Vermont’s two-part archery deer season dates are Oct. 1-28 and Dec. 3-11.
Calls will be taken at the handlers’ discretion and at the availability of the handler.
2016 Vermont Leashed Tracking Dog Handlers
Tim Nichols Granville, NY 518-642-3012, 802-353-6020
Travis Nichols Granville, NY 518-642-3012, 518-932-6505
Chris Peacock Burlington, VT 802-658-3423
Marvin Ainsworth St Johnsbury, VT 802-748-8627
Laura Nichols Granville, NY 518-642-3012, 518-932-6506
Jeff Adams Milton, VT 802-324-6316
Daniel Myers Troy, VT 802-988-4370, 802-309-2504
Dennis Roberts Troy, VT 802-988-9632, 802-673-5061
Jess Monago Burlington, VT 607-765-0945
Ryan Lewis East Fairfield, VT 802-782-1167
Nicholas Merritt East Fairfield, VT 802-238-3884, 802-922-2515
John Konya Bradford, VT 802-439-3838
Kayla Konya East Thetford, VT 802-333-4278
Jacquelyn Magoon Morrisville, VT 802-279-6578
Brandon Sweet Fairfax, VT 802-318-2829
Cody Barnum New Haven, VT 802-458-7070
Mandi Fecteau Orleans, VT 802-323-3536
Jacques Marcoux Hyde Park, VT 802-279-7889
Kristie Adams Pittsford, VT 802-483-6257, 802-558-1143
Roger Chauvin Swanton, VT 802-316-2614, 802-868-4953
Chrystal Cleary Peru, VT 802-824-5394, 508-208-6202
Paul L. Choiniere Orleans, VT 802-754-1026
Barry J. Tatro Hardwick, VT 802-535-7259
Tom DiPietro Jr. Jericho, VT 802-899-4479
Laura DiPietro Jericho, VT 802-899-4479