Middlebury Police Log: Police investigating complaints find a man dead in his home
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Omar O. Jones, 23, of Middlebury for violation of an abuse prevention order, resisting arrest, and unlawful mischief, following an incident in The Centre parking lot of Route 7 South on July 28.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Were informed of the theft of two full gas cans from a Maple Court residence on July 26.
• Cited Alan N. White, 30, of Middlebury for domestic assault following an alleged incident in the Lower Foote Street area on July 26.
• Responded to a family dispute at a Newton Drive residence on July 26.
• Responded to a report of a bicyclist being injured by a pickup truck at the intersection of Exchange Street and Mainelli Road on July 26.
• Responded to a report of speeding trucks on Quarry Road on July 27.
• Investigated an accident on Franklin Street, where a Gator utility vehicle struck a young boy on July 27. Police said the boy was not badly hurt.
• Assisted a local resident who had been receiving unwanted text messages on July 27.
• Were informed that someone had burglarized a unit at Cotroneo Self Storage on MacIntyre Lane on July 27.
• Investigated a reported burglary at the Addison County Solid Waste Management District offices on Route 7 South on July 28. Police said someone stole cash from the office.
• Responded to a landlord-tenant dispute at a Nashua Lane residence on July 28.
• Arrested Francis F. Valiquette Jr., 48, of Salisbury on an arrest warrant for escape on July 28. Police said Valiquette was located on North Pleasant Street and took him to the Chittenden County Correctional Center.
• Responded to a family dispute at a Grand View Road residence on July 28.
• Investigated a report of someone throwing tomatoes and eggs at the China House Restaurant building and nearby vehicles on Seymour Street on July 29.
• Received a report about the theft of a woman’s wallet and cell phone from the break room at Hannaford Supermarket on July 29. Police said that Vermont State Police subsequently found a man to be in possession of the wallet in Pittsford.
• Responded to a dispute between two South Pleasant Street neighbors on July 29.
• Were informed on July 29 of the recovering of some checks stolen from Middlebury College.
• Responded to noise complaints in the John Graham Court and Weybridge Street neighborhoods on July 30.
• Cited William L. Aust, 28, of Marlborough, Mass., for driving under the influence following a stop for speeding on Court Street on July 30. Police said they measured Aust’s blood-alcohol level at 0.82 percent. The legal limit for driving is 0.08 percent.
• Received a report of a car being “keyed” while parked in The Centre lot on July 30.
• Assisted a local man who reported receiving a threatening message on his answering machine on July 30.
• Cited Nathan H. Jackson, 28, of Rutland for driving under the influence following an investigation in the parking lot of Middlebury Beef Supply on Route 7 South on July 30. Police said they measured Jackson’s blood-alcohol level at 0.128 percent.
• Responded to a dispute between two South Pleasant Street neighbors on July 30.
• Investigated a break-in at Mary Hogan Elementary School on Mary Hogan Drive on July 30. Police said someone got into the school by tearing off a screen to a library window. Once inside, the culprits threw around some books, according to police. Authorities took some fingerprints at the scene and are questioning some juvenile suspects.
• Cited Ashleigh E. Hickey, 19, of Middlebury for driving under the influence following a report of a vehicle veering off Route 125 and striking a guardrail. Police said they measured Hickey’s blood-alcohol level at 0.215 percent.
• Received a report of someone removing mail from some Forbes Circle mailboxes and throwing it on the ground on July 31.
• Investigated an untimely death at a Court Street residence on July 31. Police responded to the scene after receiving reports of uncollected newspapers and unpleasant odors from the residence. Police entered the home and announced the discovery of the body of resident Robert Sargent, 65. Police said the remains were taken to the Vermont Medical Examiner’s Office by Sanderson Funeral Home.