Vergennes guidance counselor Susan Oliveira throws a smile to newly minted VUHS grad Isaiah Visser in Vergennes on Friday.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
DURING FRIDAY’S COMMENCEMENT ceremony at Vergennes Union High School seniors, from left, Flynn Bolduc, Scott Botala, Eli Brace and Kyra Bradford look expectantly to the moment when they will get their diplomas.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
SAMANTHA HALLOCK BEAMS at her VUHS graduation on Friday.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
Independent photo/John S. McCright
LEE SHOREY AT VUHS graduation on Friday.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
Independent photo/John S. McCright
BEA ECKELES GETS a high five at VUHS graduation on Friday.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
LANI SOUVANHNA KEOMANYVANH and Maxwell Ackel at VUHS graduation on Friday.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
Independent photo/John S. McCright
Independent photo/John S. McCright
BRIAN JOHNSON SPEAKS at VUHS graduation on Friday.
Independent photo/John S. McCright
MEMBERS OF THE Otter Valley Union High School Class of 2023 eagerly march onto Markowski Field
under bright skies for their processional during Saturday’s commencement activities.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
OTTER VALLEY PRINCIPAL Michael Ruppel at graduation last weekend.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
OV SENIOR CALEB Whitney receives his diploma from school Principal Michael Ruppel.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
VALEDICTORIAN EMILY PEDUTO offers her remarks during Saturday’s Otter Valley Union High School graduation.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
MANY OF THIS year’s crop of Otter Valley Union High School graduating seniors express their joy
through decorated mortarboards, which they tossed at the end of the ceremony.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
OV CLASS SALUTATORIAN Abigail Adamsen offers her remarks during Saturday’s graduation ceremony.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
NEWLY MINTED MUHS grads pose for a selfie after graduation on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
MUHS PRINCIPAL CAITLIN Steele applauds at graduation on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
Independent photo/Steve James
TAYLOR TANNER IS super excited to get his hands on his Mount Abraham diploma in Bristol on Saturday.
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
TASIA SHA’DALE TUCKER collects her diploma and a handshake from Otter Valley Principal Michael Ruppel in Brandon on Saturday.
Brandon Reporter photo/Steven Jupiter
MIDDLEBURY UNION HIGH School senior Paige Hescock exhibits some poise while waiting her turn to cross the
stage in Middlebury while classmate Carter Hubbell exposes a little nervousness.
Independent photo/Steve James
MUHS GRAD XANDER Campanelli with a mallet on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
NORA WOOTEN SPEAKS at her MUHS graduation on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
NARGES ANZALI AT herMUHS graduation ceremony on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
MUHS GRAD JOLEIGH Bradford celebrates at her graduation ceremony on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
HOW DOES IT feel to earn your diploma? Middlebury Union High School senior Jeremiah Tinker lets the crowd at the Middlebury Sports Center know that it feels really, really OK! just before he picks up his sheepskin on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
Independent photo/Steve James
DURING SATURDAY’S MIDDLEBURY Union High School graduation ceremony, seniors raised their hands in the shape of hearts in tribute to classmate Rebecca-Lynn Ball, who died in April. The school presented Ball’s father, Daniel, with a diploma in her honor.
Independent photos/Steve James
Independent photo/Steve James
Independent photo/Steve James
MUHS GRAD COLE Schnoor at the ceremony on Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
Independent photo/Steve James
Independent photo/Steve James
MUHS GRADS ARI Graham-Gurland and Vivian Ross take a moment to pose for a pic after the ceremony last Saturday.
Independent photo/Steve James
GRAD VIVIEN SIEGFRIED shares a big hug with Mount Abe counselor Allison Stebe during
Saturday’s graduation.
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
MEMBERS OF THE Mount Abraham Union High School Class of 2023 gathered in groups after Saturday’s commencement ceremony to
take photos for their scrapbooks.
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
LIKE YOUNG PEOPLE everywhere, these two Mount Abe seniors made their voices heard via decorations on their graduation caps. One tells the world her next step after graduation, the other laments the loss of a friend.
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
Photo by Buzz Kuhns
A TRIO OF Mount Abe seniors shares a musical moment with their classmates, friends and families during Saturday’s commencement exercises in Bristol.
Photo by Buzz Kuhns