Act 250 – Willowell Foundation

Act 250 082924 2×4.25 Willowell

Act 250 – Middlebury College

Act 250 081524 2×4.25 Middlebury College

Act 250 – Beehive, LLC

Act 250 072524 2×5 Beehive

Act 250 – Goodro Lumber

Act 250 053024 2×5 Goodro Lumber

Act 250 – Airplane Hangar

Act 250 050924 2×4.75 Hangar

Act 250 – FW Webb

Act 250 031424 2×4.5 FW Webb

Act 250 – Middlebury College

Act 250 012524 2×5 Middlebury College

Act 250 – Blueberry Hill Inn

Act 250 112323 2×4.5 Blueberry Hill

Act 250 – Waitsfield Champlain Valley Telephone Company

Act 250 111623 2×4.75 Waitsfield CVTC

Act 250 – New England Building Movers

Act 250 110223 2×5 New England Building Movers

Act 250 – The President & Fellows of Middlebury College

Act 250 091423 2×4.25 Middlebury College

Act 250 – George Berkeley, LLC

Act 250 083123 2×4.5 Berkeley

Act 250 – Douglas Sweets

Act 250 083124 2×4.75 Douglass Sweets

Act 250 – A. Johnson Company

Act 250 081023 2×4.25 A. Johnson

Act 250 – Champlain Valley Grain Center

Act 250 081023 2×5 Grain