
Monkton news for Mar. 2

MONKTON — From the desk of Deborah Chamberlain for Russell Memorial Library:

Cards and Coffee

Did you know? On Tuesday, March 7, we will host our first “Cards and Coffee” event from 2 to 4 p.m. Drop in to play a few hands, sip on some great coffee and chat with a friend. The program will be ongoing for all of the month of March and possibly beyond if folks choose to attend. Local Monkton coffee company Ridge Roasters have donated some of their organic, fair trade, and bird-friendly coffee to us, so swing on over for a cup.

Story Hour is Back!

A new Story Hour program will begin in May. On the second and fourth Saturday of each month, we will host a story hour from 10 to11 a.m. for children of all ages. The program will feature stories, songs, and a simple craft. The first programs will be on May 13 and 27. We hope you’ll come and join the fun.

Stitch ‘n Spin

Do you knit, crochet, embroider, spin, or do handwork? We enjoy the company of other fiber crafters from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the third Sunday of the month along with hot beverages and conversation. Come on down to the library and hang out with us.

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