Lincoln news for Mar. 17
LINCOLN — It’s time to play ball! Registration is now open for all Little League baseball and softball players. If your child is interested in playing ball this year, please sign up online at Go to the registration tab and follow the instructions to register your player. There is an option to pay the registration fee by check or credit card.
The medical release form must be printed, filled out and given to the coordinator before any player can take the field. Coaches will also have to fill out an online registration and background check information. The registration deadline is Friday, March 25. Volunteers are also needed for umpires, coaches, field maintenance and fundraising. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Randy Barnes at [email protected].
It’s officially mud season! The dirt roads have been posted with weight limits as of March 7. Travel by excess weight vehicles on thawing ground can cause damage to road surfaces. Excess weight vehicles require a permit in Lincoln. These permits expire every year on March 31. Apply at the town office, if you haven’t obtained yours already. If you must receive a delivery from a heavy-weight vehicle before these springtime restrictions are lifted, please contact the Highway Supervisor, Dave Cavoretto, at (802) 453-3703.
The Save Community Schools group thanks you for your ongoing support in the effort to keep the Lincoln Community School open and thriving for years to come. Residents in each of our neighboring towns of Starksboro, New Haven, Bristol and Monkton voted in favor of Lincoln’s withdrawal from MAUSD. We are one step further in a multi-step process to operate as a vibrant public school, serving all of the children in our town, run by a Lincoln school board. We are diligently working to meet the next chapter in this process, which is initial approval by the State Board of Education. We will keep our community informed as we work through each phase of this process. Our current timeline projections have Lincoln running as a public K-6 school outside of MAUSD beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Please reach out with any questions about Lincoln’s withdrawal and the next steps in this process.
Lincoln’s election results are available on the Vermont Secretary of State’s website. There were hundreds of write-in votes. If you want to see any of the detailed write-in results, we have them on file at the town office. Anyone can request a copy.
Some of the highlights include: Out of 1,120 registered voters, 394 people participated in the election. All of the articles passed as warned. We welcome a new selectboard member, Alan Schmidt, who has already been sworn in and begun his duties as a member of the board. Todd Goodyear was elected as a write-in for Town Meeting Moderator. Nobody received enough write-in votes (minimum of 12) to be elected as Lister, so there is still a vacancy in that position. Contact the selectboard if you are interested in serving.
The next two Open Art Studios for children ages 3 to 13 will take place on March 18 and April 1 at the library from 3 to 5 p.m. Materials, smocks and snacks provided.
Until next time … Someone’s Opinion Of You Doesn’t Have To Become Your Reality. Every Day Is A New Beginning; Take A Deep Breath And Start Again. Your Value Doesn’t Decrease Just Because Someone Can’t See Your Worth.
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