Middlebury Police Log: Police investigate alleged murder hoax
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police and other local agencies responded to what turned out to be a hoax call about an alleged murder at a Gorham Lane home at around 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 13.
Police said the caller reported he had “shot and killed a family member” inside the home.
Officers from Middlebury police, Vermont State Police and the Addison County Sheriff’s Department all converged on the scene and determined the call to be false. The matter remains under investigation, police said.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Investigated a report of a cow possibly being hit by a car on Route 7 North on May 10.
• Responded to a report of a student walking away from Mary Hogan Elementary on May 10.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with an elderly patient who had fallen on Washington Street on May 11.
• With the help of state police, located a local runaway juvenile on May 11.
• Assisted the sheriff’s department in taking a man into custody on a mental health warrant in the South Pleasant Street area on May 11.
• Investigated a vandalism complaint inside Middlebury Union High School on May 11.
• Assisted Mary Hogan Elementary officials with a disorderly student on May 11.
• Scrutinized a threatening message that had been left on a Gorham Lane resident’s answering machine on May 11. Police determined the message to have been linked to an out-of-county scam.
• Responded to the untimely death of 49-year-old Edward Pickett III, at a Buttolph Drive residence on May 11. Police said cause of death is pending the results of an autopsy conducted by the Officer of the Chief Medical Examiner, and that no foul play is suspected at this time.
• Assisted a local man who was having a mental health episode in the Court Street Extension area on May 11.
• Received a report about a male “possibly doing drugs” in the Porter Hospital parking lot on May 12.
• Cited Chad M. Nunn, 42, of Bridport for driving with a suspended license following a traffic stop on South Street on May 12.
• Served a no-trespass order on a man who was involved in a family argument with a woman in an East Main Street apartment on May 12.
• Responded to a domestic disturbance in the Route 7 South area on May 13.
• Responded to a noise complaint at a Washington Street residence on May 14.
• Received a report that someone had vandalized a Rogers Road resident’s fence on May 14.
• Responded to a report of a dog left in a car with its windows rolled up in a parking lot off Court Street Extension on May 14.
• Were informed of the alleged theft of 2019 gray Subaru Outback (registration GTK260) from the driveway of a Weybridge Street home on May 14.
• Quieted a loud party that drew complaint in the North Pleasant Street neighborhood on May 15.
• Responded to a report of a drunken man near the intersection of Middle Road and Route 7 South on May 15.
• Received a report about a domestic disturbance at a Jayne Court home on May 15. Police restored the peace.
• Were informed of the theft of a purse from a Route 7 South business on May 15.
• Investigated a possible violation to a no-stalking order in the Court Street area on May 15.
• Responded to a report of a suspicious man at the Middlebury Short Stop on Route 7 South on May 16.
• Defused a dispute among Jackson Lane neighbors on May 16.
• Spoke with a local resident about a “concern about prostitution” in the North Branch Road area on May 16.
• Assisted Middlebury firefighters on May 16 with an alarm at a Buttolph Drive residence that turned out to be a cooking mishap.
• Responded to a report of a suspicious man in the Court Street Extension area on May 16.
• Checked on the health of an injured owl off Route 7 South on May 16. Police contacted the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department.
• Assisted a woman having a mental health episode at a North Pleasant Street residence on May 16.
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