
Lincoln news for Apr. 22

LINCOLN — Green Up Day is Saturday, May 1. If you would like to help clean up our community, we will be at the fire station starting at 8 a.m. passing out bags and giving out road assignments. Please wear a mask when you’re at the fire station. As a way of thanking volunteers, we will be having a raffle where you can sign up to win items that include gift certificates to local stores and restaurants. We will also be having our popular kids-only raffle where kids who participated in roadside cleanup will have a chance at winning one of two Razor Kick A Scooters. This year we won’t be gathering, so winners will be notified by phone or email. There will also be a takeout volunteer appreciation lunch, which will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the fire station.
I don’t know if we will be collecting trash at the fire station as in year’s past or if all trash will be taken to the transfer station like last year. We will let you know when you pick up your bags where you’ll take all of your trash. Please don’t leave bags of trash on the side of the road.
Please put returnable cans/bottles in their own bag, separate from trash. Bags of returnables may be brought to the fire station from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Please cleanup with your household or pod only. Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes, gloves, sunscreen and a hat. Make sure you have plenty of water. Wear long pants, avoid tall grass and check for ticks. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Please do not pick up hazardous materials.
Thank you all for helping to keep our community clean and beautiful. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Until next time … Surround Yourself With People Who Get You. Don’t Carry What You Don’t Need. It’s Okay To Ask For Help.

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