
Lincoln news for Oct. 15

LINCOLN — The Fill the Firehouse Food Drive will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Lincoln Firehouse. The fire departments in our five-town area will once again open their station doors from 9 a.m. to noon to accept non-perishable food and toiletry donations. All items collected benefit the Have-A-Heart Food Shelf, which serves the communities of Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, New Haven and Starksboro. Cash and check donations will also be accepted.
Suggested donation items include: pasta sauce, pasta, soup, canned beans (black & kidney), baked beans, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned tuna and chicken, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, cereal, toilet paper, bar soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Expired products, soda and sugary beverages cannot be accepted. 
Please join your neighbors in helping to fill the firehouse and make a difference in our community. We hope to see you at the Lincoln Firehouse from 9 a.m. to noon. Please wear a mask when dropping off donations. Thank you for your support. 

Everyone who is registered to vote in Vermont should have received a ballot in the mail by now. If you just registered very recently, those are still being sent out daily. If you have not received your ballot, you should contact the town clerk’s office right away by emailing [email protected] and let us know if your address has changed. 
It is IMPORTANT to read the instructions that came with your ballot before you begin voting! If you do not follow the instructions, your vote may not count. The sooner you return your ballot, the more likely it is that it will arrive on time to be counted. Your ballot packet contains a postage paid return envelope or you may deposit your voted ballot in our secure drop box outside the office door.
If you decide to vote in person, our polling place will be at Burnham Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please bring your own ballot or else you will have to fill out an affidavit before we can give you another one. If you have any questions about voting, please contact Sally Ober at [email protected]

Attention knitters and quilters! The library is starting to think about projects that will inspire us to create holiday presents and that will help get us through the long winter ahead. If you would like to be part of a hybrid group of in-person meeting and zoom participation, please see Wendy as they are brainstorming ideas, getting organized and planning for their November projects.

The top of the Lincoln Gap Road (past the last house, number 2668) will be closing today, Oct. 15 for the winter. Barriers will be installed on both the Warren and Lincoln sides of the gap. Be sure your vehicles are not parked up there today or they will be blocked in. Thank you.
Until next time … No Act Of Kindness, No Matter How Small, Is Ever Wasted. Try To Be A Rainbow In Someone’s Cloud. It Is Always The Simple That Produces The Marvelous.

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