
Vergennes Police Log for Sep. 17

VERGENNES — Following several incidents, Vergennes Police Chief George Merkel put out a statement on social media reminding dog owners not to allow their pets to roam free. 
Merkel noted city officers have “recently responded to an increasing number of dog complaints in the city, during which dogs that were not leashed or controlled by their owners, attacked pedestrians and inflicted injuries.
“These incidents were unacceptable, and the owners of the dogs received substantial fines for violating the city dog ordinance,” Merkel added. “Luckily, no serious injuries were sustained, but the situations could have been much worse.”
Merkel also said as well as fines, owners of loose dogs that injure people or other animals are also responsible for medical and veterinary bills, plus the cost of paying for boarding an animal police have to seize. 
If a dog is picked up for running loose and then boarded, “It is not the responsibility of the Vergennes Police Department to locate the owner of the dog,” Merkel said. 
Between Sept. 7 and 13, Vergennes police conducted 25 motorized patrols, three foot patrols and four property watches, and: 
On Sept. 7:
•  Responded with the Vermont State Police to the report of an active assault at the Whispering Pines Campground; police were unable to speak to the alleged assailant and said others involved had left the scene. There were no reports of injury, they added.
•  After being alerted, removed traffic cones from the traveled portion of Main Street.
•  Went to Walker Avenue along with the Vergennes Area Rescue Squad (VARS) to help two intoxicated women who reportedly had made suicidal threats. One reportedly agreed to go to Porter Hospital for medical care and counseling. Police said the second woman did not make any threats and agreed to return to her apartment; another resident agreed to check in on her. 
On Sept. 8:
•  Responded to a report of what sounded like two people arguing on Panton Road. Upon arrival the officers found two women who had been drinking and talking. Police said both denied arguing and agreed to go home.
•  While conducting a property watch in the Creekview Apartment complex saw a male slumped over the steering wheel of his vehicle and woke him up; he went inside for the night. Police said the vehicle was not running. 
•  Checked in on VARS headquarters after being told personnel were out on a call and not answering the radio. Police said they reached the personnel, who said they were having trouble with their radio.
•  Helped a Main Street resident who had ordered merchandise and was missing one item; she filed a report of the missing item to be relayed to the company.   
•  Took a report that a female elementary school student who while walking home from school was asked by a man driving a Comcast vehicle about her first day in school; police were told he did not follow her when she did not answer him and no further contact took place.
•  Delivered a message to a South Maple Street resident on behalf of state police.
On. Sept. 9:
•  Found an unlocked door on Main Street during a foot patrol, but could not reach a keyholder; police left a card for the owner.
•  Helped a former South Water Street resident who said his ex-girlfriend was not cooperating with his retrieval of belongings from an apartment. Police spoke to the woman, and she agreed to leave the items at the end of the apartment’s driveway for pickup.
•  Looked into a report of a vehicle that had been left in a South Water Street parking spot for over a month.
On Sept. 10:
•  Went to Route 7 in New Haven to help state police evaluate an operator for driving under the influence of drugs.
•  Received a wallet that was found near Falls Park; its owner was contacted and picked it up.
•  Calmed an argument between two family members at a West Main Street residence.
•  Checked out a report of an elderly male in a wheelchair sitting behind a Main Street Dumpster, but found no one.
On Sept. 11:
•  Responded to a report of gunshots fired in the area of the Canal Street boat launch, but found nothing.
•  Responded to a report of a woman screaming at her daughter near the Small City Market. Police said they spoke to the parent and child about an incident in which the child accidently set fire to a cardboard box near the kitchen stove, and its aftermath 
•  Dealt with a minor two-vehicle accident on South Water Street.
•  Responded to a report of the odor of drugs near the Creekview Apartment complex only to learn it was one of a series of unfounded reports from the complainant.

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