
Monkton news for Sep. 10

MONKTON — Monkton Library Porch Pick Up continues! Stop by, call, email, or put a hold on books (from the online catalog) to make your selections and pick up from 3-7 p.m. Thursdays and 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays. They are happy to serve you.
Also, watch for pop-up book sales on the lawn this week and into the fall during pick up hours. They’ll have many adult and youth titles to sell. Book sales will not happen in the rain. Please plan to wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Did you learn any magic over the summer? We’d love to hear feedback from the families who participated in “Become a Magician.” Remember to stay safe and have fun… For more information, call  453-4471

In a letter from the Willowell Foundation, the organization has introduced a program to enhance remote learning. The program, designed for young people in the Champlain Valley, is called The New Roots Project. As schools in Vermont offer truncated in-person instruction only two days a week, young people and families are looking for affordable solutions that combine education and socialization. This new interdisciplinary, outdoor, multi-aged, affordable option will squarely meet this need. 
Designed to round out the week for children of all ages, Willowell’s energized group of licensed teachers, artists, and craftspeople will run this educational program at the Willowell Foundation land in Monkton. Although this program is meeting a basic need of childcare for many, students will engage in wildlife skills, art, theater, the sciences, community building, carpentry, fire building, games, mindfulness, and so much more.
The foundation is piloting this program initially for six weeks and will continue as the year unfolds based on need and school plan. The program will be completely outdoors, open air, and will follow state health safety guidelines.
The program, which began Sept. 8, will run from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday. It will follow the school calendar in terms of weather, vacations, and in-service days. Currently, over seventy children signed up, many of whom come from families that do not have the resources to pay the program fee. In its desire to make this program inclusive and affordable, it has accepted all applicants, regardless of ability to pay. To successfully launch the program, Willowell is looking to find scholarship money to help those families whose finances cannot take on any additional fiscal burdens. 
Organizers hope you will consider donating. Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated and will support youth and their families in need of positive opportunities amidst unprecedented and challenging times.
How to make a tax deductible donation today:
Mail checks made payable to the Willowell Foundation: PO Box 314 Bristol, VT 05443. Please note “New Roots donation” in the memo. 
You can also easily and securely donate at Willowell’s Venmo account: If you use Venmo and they ask for the last four digits of Willowell’s cell phone number enter 4469. Please note “New Roots donation” in the memo. 
Have a news tip? Call Liz Pecor @ 453-2180

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