By the way for Jul. 23
The Bristol Trail Network is teaming up with RiseVT to encourage people to walk regularly. The BTN supported a month-long Walking Challenge last year that drew several dozen folks in and around Bristol. This year, walkers will receive encouragement and prizes. And this year, a BTN map is available. Typically, “Rise & Walk” is a group walking program that kicks off each session with a quick talk from a healthcare provider on a range of health topics. In the virtual environment, participants will receive Monday, Wednesday, Friday emails with a recorded 5-minute health talk and encouragement to get a walk in for the day. Get a raffle entry when you register and additional entries each week when you answer a quick four-question survey each Monday of the four-week challenge. Get a sixth entry from a final post-challenge survey. Prize packages include a yoga mat, water bottle, jump rope and resistance band. Register at: You can access a BTN map at
Neat Repeats resale shop continues its daily 50% off (white tickets) sales this week. Thursday, it’s dresses, women’s sandals and shoes. Friday, it’s men’s clothing and shoes, and Saturday, it’s women’s tops. New items are being added daily. Located at 1428 Route 7 South in Middlebury, Neat Repeats donates all proceeds after expenses to charitable organizations and individuals in Addison County, supporting such needs as affordable housing, food shelves, elderly services and educational organizations. Your donations count. Donations of clothing and accessories to Neat Repeats are accepted Monday through Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. Two bags or boxes at a time, please.
Consider buying a $10 raffle ticket to help support Starksboro’s Project READ, which provides free books for kids. School closed back in March due to COVID-19, and some kids are really missing a new book to read. Project READ books are slated to be distributed the first week of August. Project READ is an all-volunteer organization made up of community members, parents and teachers committed to promoting the love of reading in our town of Starksboro. The big raffle prize this year is a Vermont Folk Rocker chair, courtesy of Starksboro’s own Jim Geier. Buy your raffle tickets at the Starksboro Public Library during open hours. The gorgeous cherry wood chair will be on display at the library.
The Bristol Democratic Town Committee will hold a Zoom Democratic Caucus for the purpose of electing nominees to stand for election as Justice of the Peace on the 2020 General Election ballot. The caucus will be held on Thursday, Aug. 6, at 7 p.m. You can register for the Zoom caucus by emailing [email protected] before Aug. 6. If you have any questions concerning this notice please contact Linda Andrews, Bristol Democratic Town Committee Chair at [email protected].
As the school year slowly approaches, Addison County’s school communities are in need of donated masks. The need right now is for washable adult-size masks. If you are able to donate, or have questions, please email [email protected].
The Bristol selectboard is resuming its search for individuals interested in volunteering to serve on the soon-to-be-formed Emerald Ash Borer Strategic Plan Committee. The emerald ash borer was confirmed in Bristol in June 2019. The initial outreach in March was interrupted by the COVID-19 emergency order. The role of the committee will be to help update and broaden the 2014 street tree inventory to identify the location and condition of all ash trees on public properties, including along neighborhood streets, within public parks, and along roadways. The identified trees will be analyzed, prioritized, and recommendations developed for either the protection of key specimens, or for their removal. This information will be presented in a Bristol Emerald Ash Borer Strategic Management Plan that will include a budget and timeline for treating, removing and/or replacing the identified trees. At least one public information meeting would be held to share the results, recommendations and information about best management practices, and to get citizens’ concerns and thoughts about the plan.
Experience in tree identification is not necessary. Orientation, training, iPads (on loan), and safety vests (on loan) will be provided. The efforts will be funded, in part, through a grant from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Urban & Community Forestry Program and the U.S. Forest Service. Please submit a letter or email of interest to the Bristol selectboard, 1 South St., P.O. Box 249, Bristol, VT 05443 or to [email protected]. For more information, contact Town Administrator Valerie Capels at 453-2410, [email protected].
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