Bristol puts its meetings online; town employees still available
BRISTOL — Although the Bristol selectboard voted last week that all town buildings be closed to the public until April 6, or until further notice, municipal officials are trying to get out the word that town employees remain avail- able to assist citizens by phone, e-mail, U.S. Postal Service, and by appointment as warranted with appropriate protocols in place. Employees not at the Bristol Town Office will be working from remote locations. Public Works employees and first responders are on-call for emergencies.
Meetings of all Bristol boards, commissions and committees will either be canceled until further no- tice or held through virtual or con- ference call methods in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Bristol selectboard will be putting this to the test for their Monday, March 30, meeting using Zoom, a remote meeting internet tool. Information about how citizens can call in or connect online will be available by calling the Town Office at 453-2410 or emailing [email protected].
Bristol Recreation Department events and classes have been can- celed or postponed until further no- tice. For more information, contact the Rec. Department at 453-5885 or go to
The Bristol selectboard also voted to extend the April 1 due date for dog licenses and April 5 due date for property taxes to May 5 without penalty.
“Town officials continue to mon- itor the situation throughout each day through the Vermont Health Department, Vermont Emergency Management, and other agencies,” Town Administrator Valerie Capels said in a press release. Updates are posted on Bristol’s website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For more information, call 453- 2410 or visit, visit, or dial 2-1-1.
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