
By the way for Mar. 12

Attention Lincoln residents: Organizers of the local “Neighbor to Neighbor” want your ideas on how to expand the mission of the charitable farm stand, which is nestled between the United Church of Lincoln and Brown family property in Lincoln village. The stand is open to folks who want to leave produce, or take some if they need it. The stand has benefitted many in Lincoln and beyond — not only by the food it dispenses, but stories shared with neighbors when they talk about it. Founders of “Neighbor to Neighbor” are seeking more input on what the effort could become in the future. Anyone with ideas is invited to contact the United Church of Lincoln by March 15, at 453-4280 or at [email protected].
The Middlebury, Mount Abe and Vergennes union high school environmental clubs are co-organizing a clothing swap, featuring prom attire, to take place at Mount Abraham Union High School on Saturday, March 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please donate any clean and gently used clothes for all ages, including used prom dresses and tuxes. There will be drop boxes at each of the high schools. The Bristol drop-off will be at Mount Abe on March 14 and 20, or the morning of the swap on March 21. If you don’t drop off clothes, consider a donation for a bag of clothes ($5) and for prom attire ($20). All donations will help support the work of local high school environmental clubs. All the clothes swapped will help the environment.
5 Town Friends of the Arts, known by some as 5-TFA, is now accepting grant applications for its spring round of community grants. The community grants program helps fund activities and events in the fine arts, performing arts, history and other cultural experiences to enrich the lives of people living in Monkton, New Haven, Bristol, Lincoln and Starksboro. The goal of 5-TFA is to expose children and teens to arts and culture. Preference will be given to projects that meet that goal. Previous recipients have been libraries in the five towns, schools seeking funding for special events or artists in residence, theater programs and other community groups with great ideas in need of funding. Applications are due on or before March 15 and can be downloaded from the organization website: Please send them to 25 Main St., Bristol, VT 05443. For more information email: [email protected].
The Friends of Ilsley Library will not accept donations of books or media beginning Monday, March 16, until further notice. There will be no book sale for the public in April. These cancellations are due to limited workers available to manage the necessary tasks.
Stories About Our Stuff is a free weekly support group for people who struggle with letting go of stuff and find themselves suffering because of it. Individuals prone to hoarding, and their loved ones, are invited to join the group to talk about strategies and resources, or even just to be heard. The group is co-facilitated by Ellen Repstad and Dorothea Langevin. These meetings are held Saturdays at 3 p.m. at Middlebury’s Ilsley Library. The first meeting is on March 28. If interested, please email either Ellen at [email protected] or Dorothea at [email protected].
Bristol’s Watershed Center is hosting its 2020 annual meeting on Sunday, March 29, from 3-4:30 p.m. at the Bristol Fire Department headquarters. All are welcome. This year’s meeting will feature an engaging talk titled, “Investing in Vermont’s Water Quality: Connections and Implications for Watershed and Conservation Groups” with Neil Kamman, director of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s newly formed Water Investment Division. The talk will include a visual retrospective of the Watershed Center through the years, featuring the photography of Jonathan Blake. It’s a great chance to come learn about the Watershed Center organization is as well as the Waterworks property. Light refreshments will be offered, but feel free to bring a snack or dessert to share. Full details can be found at

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