
By the way for Feb. 27

How sweet it is to be marching into spring with the onset of sugaring season in Starksboro and kick it off with a free community supper this Sunday, March 1, from 5:30-7 p.m. The supper, which will be held at the First Baptist Church of Starksboro at 2806 Route 116, will gives participants a chance to celebrate with folks in the New Community Project, the First Baptist Church, the local library, and, of course, with your neighbors. It will feature discussion about the history of sugaring in Starksboro. The free meal is also intended as a celebration of the arrival of spring, sugaring, and a general appreciation for Starksboro. For more information contact Pete Antos-Ketcham at (802) 434-2333 or [email protected]
Two area high schools are planning reunions. Preparations are under way for the 50th reunion for the Class of 1970 of Mount Abraham Union High School. Organizers need your help locating a few missing classmates — Jeffrey Brasure, Larry Morgan, Sharon O’Keefe, Nina Peno, Joanne Rougier, Penny Stevens, and Phil Strong. Send any contact info to Reg and Colleen Bouvier Wedge at (802) 453-2574. Meanwhile, the Middlebury Union High School Class of 1970 is trying to locate the following classmates for its upcoming 50-year reunion: Sandra Dragon, Robert Ellis Jr., Kathleen Fiske, Carl Huestis, Rodney Martin, Patricia McIntosh, Cheryl Sheldon and Mary Torrey. If anyone has their contact information, please let Julie Coons know at (802) 388-2916.
St. Thomas & Grace Episcopal Church in Brandon has added a weekly worship service during Lent to which all members of the community are invited. A brief service of “morning prayer” will be held at 8 a.m. every Wednesday morning beginning March 4 in the undercroft of St. Thomas Church (Route 7, Brandon village). A simple breakfast follows the service and those needing to get on with their day should be able to leave around 8:45 a.m. Newcomers, visitors, and members of other denominations are welcome to join this Lenten observance. Parking is available behind the red brick house across the street (home of Nifty Thrifty). Information about St. Thomas & Grace Church is available at online at Questions about this weekly Lenten service should be directed to Bob Wertz, 558-1654, or Barb Brown, 247-3194.
5 Town Friends of the Arts, known by some as 5-TFA, is now accepting grant applications for its spring round of community grants. The community grants program helps fund activities and events in the fine arts, performing arts, history and other cultural experiences to enrich the lives of people living in Monkton, New Haven, Bristol, Lincoln and Starksboro. The goal of 5-TFA is to expose children and teens to arts and culture. Preference will be given to projects that meet that goal. Previous recipients have been libraries in the five towns, schools seeking funding for special events or artists in residence, theater programs and other community groups with great ideas in need of funding. Applications are due on or before March 15 and can be downloaded from the organization website: Please remit to: 25 main St. Bristol, Vermont 05443. For more information email: [email protected]

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