
Lincoln news for Feb. 24

LINCOLN — Is your compost pile frozen solid? Are you out of space in your compost bin because it’s frozen?
Don’t give up! Lincoln Compost Ambassador Sally Ober says.
You can make an extra compost bin by drilling holes in the sides and bottom of a trash can that has a lid. Cover layers of food scraps with a hefty layer of browns like wood shavings (available at farm supply stores), dry leaves, straw and shredded paper or cardboard.
Or, bring your food scraps to your town recycling and trash drop-off or the ACSWMD Transfer Station in Middlebury. More info is online at
Did you know that on Town Meeting Day — Tuesday, March 3 — we will be conducting two different elections? This is our Annual Town Meeting Election where we elect our local town and school officials, we vote on our school budgets, and on the ballot this year will be a question about whether to purchase a local source of sand for our roads, Town Clerk Sally Ober says. On the same day will be Vermont’s Presidential Primary Election. All ballots are now available for early or absentee voting.
Contact Town Clerk Ober right away to request early ballots by mail, or stop by the office to vote in person. When submitting a request, please specify whether you wish to vote in both elections, and if you want a Democratic or Republican ballot for the Presidential Primary. If you want to have your ballots mailed to you, please also specify your proper mailing address whether it is at home or elsewhere. As always, if you have questions about the voting process, please ask.
Lincoln’s very own world-renowned magician Tom Verner and artist/performer Janet Fredericks have announced that they will hold the Nature of Magic and the Magic of Nature Camp in Lincoln this coming July 6-10. This camp, open to children ages 9-12, costs $300, which includes $50 worth of magic props and all supplies needed. To register for one of the 10 spots or for more information email [email protected] or call 453-5425.
FROM THE TOWN CLERK: If your dog or cat will need an updated rabies vaccination this year, there will be a scheduled rabies clinic on Saturday, March 7, 9-10 a.m. at the Lincoln Town Office. The cost is $20 per shot for dogs or cats. Payments must be cash or check. Bring written proof of prior vaccination in order for the veterinarian to certify that the vaccine is good for three years. If no proof is presented, the shot will only be good for one year before another booster is required. Pets from out of town are welcome to come to the Lincoln clinic. Please keep your pets inside your car until the veterinarian tells you it is your turn.
During the clinic, the clerk will be available to help you with Lincoln dog registrations at the same time. A spayed or neutered dog costs $15 and intact dogs are $19 for the annual license. All dogs must be licensed by April 1. Thank you to Bristol Animal Hospital for volunteering to provide this service each year.
SAVE THE DATES: Wednesday, March 4, is an early release day for Mount Abraham Unified School District schools, including Lincoln Community School and the high school. Dismissal will be at 11:45 a.m. That same week — on Friday, March 6 — there will be no school for parent conferences.
REMINDERS: Wednesday Sharing is Feb. 26 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Lincoln Library. There will be an open studio with Betsy Graziadei at the library on Saturday, Feb. 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Until next time … Every Moment Is A Fresh Beginning. Hope Is The Heartbeat Of The Soul. Start Somewhere.

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