Letter to the editor: Tax system is hurting seniors
Regarding your May 27 article, protests at the legislature, it is understandable that not everyone feels that issues of concern to them are being addressed. The Democratic Party is a “big tent,” meaning members can at times vary widely in their views. (A few decades ago there were such things as “liberal” republicans).
One issue, which seems to get very little attention from the current legislature, is the inequitable burden the current “income sensitive” property tax adjustment places on the many Vermont seniors who subsist entirely or mainly on Social Security. Social Security was designed as a means of sustenance for retirees, not as a source of property tax revenue.
At present all Social Security payments are included as “household income” so as to reduce the amount of any such adjustment. There is a proposal to resolve this by exempting some portion of social security from “household income.” This issue has been addressed by other states. In Vermont it is often difficult for seniors to afford our high property taxes and some lose their homes.
Both nationally and in our state, the demographics are changing, and any political party which hopes to remain relevant might be well advised to keep these changes in mind. Inaction is equivalent to acquiescence, and acquiescence in the face of injustice is unacceptable.
A great many of us might very much welcome public comments on these points from our elected representatives.
Bob Anderson
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