
Letter to the editor: Sanders’ absence was conspicuous at parade

“Memorial Day Without Him”
Where’s our hopeful, next-president
senator? Why isn’t he here?
Taking a year off?
Not enough votes, among the candy-
catching children. The Rotary Club
throwing their sparkling necklaces.
Our kind of Addison County Mardi Gras.
This Memorial Day. Sidewalks lined
with dogs and neighbors, sunning
in their wheelchairs, A few dignitaries
waving from their antique cars,
ancient limousines. We don’t see
our senator riding in.
Or anywhere today. I hope
he hasn’t given up walking yet.
Wearing his chinos and sleeves-
rolled-up, blue dress shirt.
He can’t be everywhere at once.
Even if the fire engines and rescue
squads, the 4-H’ers and middle school
bands, the veterans-for-peace and flags
for friends still missing-in-action are
still here. But not our politician
this year. Who, I’m sure, has a good
reason why he had to skip our parade.
Maybe someone he loves is sick
and needs his care. Maybe there’s another
village, a town, here in Vermont, a gore.
That would feel better about itself, without
feeling too prideful. A granite New England trait.
If he showed up there. Walking along, waving.
Taking a break from worrying how many votes
it will take to stay in the race. If that sign
across the street, in the bakery window,
is meant for him. 
— Gary Margolis, Cornwall

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