
Middlebury Police Log: Man with gun cited for assault

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Douglas Wiggins, 60, of Middlebury for aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, driving under the influence, disorderly conduct and unlawful restraint, following an incident in The Centre parking lot at around 5:30 p.m. this past Saturday, April 27.
Police said they were called to the scene on a report of a man allegedly driving under the influence.
A witness told police the driver opened his car door and struck a parked vehicle in the lot. The witness further alleged that Wiggins left the area and returned a short time later in possession of a weapon that he allegedly pointed at the witness, as well as at a passenger in his car.
Police said they stopped Wiggins’ vehicle on Court Street extension, near McDonald’s Restaurant, and cited him for the alleged offenses mentioned above. Police said Wiggins was lodged at the Marble Valley Correctional Facility for lack of bail.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
•Served a no-trespass order on April 22 on a person who wasn’t wanted at a Duane Court residence.
•Received a report on April 22 about a potential sexual assault in the Middlebury area. The matter is under investigation.
•Searched, in vain, for an injured deer that a caller alleged having seen off East Main Street on April 22.
•Responded to a report of a man and woman arguing in front of a Jackson Lane Apartment on April 23. Police said the couple had left upon their arrival.
•Responded on April 23 to a reported argument between an estranged local couple about the use of a mutually owned vehicle.
•Were informed of the theft of an inspection sticker from a car parked off Court Street on April 23.
•Called a tow truck to remove a vehicle that was stranded in high water on Creek Road on April 23.
•Received a report on April 23 about a potential sexual assault allegedly occurring in the Middlebury area. The matter is under investigation.
•Spoke with a group of people who had allegedly been littering on Court Street Extension on April 24.
•Asked a man to leave the Charter House warming shelter on April 24.
•Investigated a report of someone almost being hit by a bottle originating from an upstairs apartment on College Street on April 25. Police said it appears the bottle fell from a window sill and wasn’t thrown.
•Returned a wallet that had been found on Washington Street by a good Samaritan on April 25.
•Received a report of an unspecified amount of cash being stolen from a Rogers Road home on April 25. The complaint remains under investigation.
•Cited Ethan Dragon, 21, of Middlebury for driving under the influence, following an incident at r.k. Miles on Exchange Street in April 25. Police said r.k. Miles had complained of a drunken person refusing to leave the premises.
Dragon refused to submit to a breath test, according to police.
•Cautioned a driver who had allegedly been tailgating another vehicle on Quarry Road on April 25.
•Received a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident on Main Street on April 25.
•Responded to a noise complaint at a Washington Street home on April 26.
•Investigated a fraud complaint in the Schoolhouse Hill Road neighborhood on April 26.
•Responded to a noise complaint at a Washington Street home on April 26.
•Received a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident on Court Street Extension on April 26.
•Mediated a dispute between two Water Street neighbors who were arguing over possession of an iPad on April 27.
•Served a no-trespass order on a man in the East Main Street area on April 27.
•Responded to a report of person having a mental health issue at the Residence at Otter Creek on April 27.
•Investigated an unlawful mischief complaint at the South Village Green development on April 27.
•Cited Kenneth Marcelle, 20, of Bristol, for felony unlawful trespass of an occupied dwelling, following an incident at a Cobble Road home on April 27. The homeowner reported finding Marcelle — bleeding, disoriented and unresponsive — inside their bathroom, according to police.
•Responded to a dog complaint in the Seminar Street Extension area on April 28.
•Got mental health counseling for a man who walked into the police station on April 28 and reported feeling suicidal.
•Checked on the welfare of a Lindale Circle resident on April 28. Police said the woman reported being OK.

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