
Vergennes Police Log for Apr. 4

VERGENNES — Vergennes police on March 27 cited twin sisters living in a Creekview Apartment on Hillside Drive for domestic assault, and added a second citation to each for committing the offenses in the presence of children.
Police said the alleged altercation between Britney J. Rogers-Wilson and Amanda N. Rogers-Wilson, both 24, left both with bruises and scratches, and allege that it occurred in the presence of four children 4 years old or younger.
Police were asked by a relative to check the welfare of one of the sisters later that evening and determined she was fine. They were also called back to the apartment the sisters share on March 31 when one sister accused the other of yelling at and harassing her, and the officers calmed the occupants down.
In other incidents between March 25 and 31, Vergennes police:
On March 25:
•Found an open door at a Main Street business while on foot patrol and contacted a manager.
•Went to the Northlands Job Corps campus to issue a relief-from-abuse order.
•Took a complaint about a fender-bender in the Shaw’s Supermarket parking lot in which the offending party had left the scene.
•Conducted the first of five special traffic patrols during the week, all designed to target traffic-law offenders. In the patrols, five in the Main Street-Monkton Road area and one on Panton Road, police issued no tickets.
On March 26 secured a locked door at a Meigs Road business.
On March 27 concluded a report that a Northlands student had made unwanted sexual advances toward another student was unfounded.
On March 28 helped a motorist get into a locked vehicle on Main Street.
On March 29:
•Calmed arguing Walker Avenue neighbors.
•Calmed a family fight in a North Maple Street parking lot.
•Responded to a two-car accident on North Main Street and ticketed one driver for rear-ending the other vehicle.
On March 30:
•Investigated vandalism at the Brown-McClay Funeral Home; police said someone broke into a garage and did not steal anything, but apparently climbed into a casket, as evidenced by a muddy footprint.
•Cited Brian Poro, 22, of Vergennes for driving with a suspended license, fourth offense, and for driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle.
On March 31 helped evict a verbally abusive couple from the John Graham Shelter and began investigating the male half of the couple for possible child abuse.

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