Ferrisburgh news for Mar. 28
Monday, April 1, 6:15 p.m., PTO meeting, Ferrisburgh Central School.
Tuesdays, April 2 and 16, 6:30 p.m., Ferrisburgh Town selectboard meeting.
Wednesday, April 3, 6-7 p.m., Youth Strengths Dialogue, VUHS Library.
Wednesday, April 3, 7 p.m., Commodore Parent Teacher Group VUHS Library.
Friday, April 5, 6:30 p.m. Bixby First Friday Movie, Bixby Library Community Room.
Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, North Ferrisburgh Methodist Church Rummage Sale.
Saturdays, April 13 and 27, 6:30 p.m., Ferrisburgh Grange King Pede card parties.
Sunday, April 14, 2 p.m., Historical Society Boat Making and Lake Champlain, Town Hall.
Tuesday, April 16, 6 p.m., Personalized Learning Parent Information meeting, VUHS Library.
FERRISBURGH — On Wednesday, April 3, from 6-7 p.m., the Vergennes Student Leadership Committee will host a discussion of strengths and concerns we have identified in our school using the data from the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey This community dialogue will take place during the April Commodore Parent Teacher Group meeting in the VUHS library. The discussion will give an overview of the data from the YRBS that VUHS students participated in 2017.
Parents and community members who are interested in student wellness or otherwise want to get involved in bettering our school community, feel free to stop by and share your ideas. For more information, contact Jay Stetzel at [email protected]. The Commodore Parent Teacher Group will meet immediately afterwards.
The Commodore Parent Teacher Group Spring Fundraiser is happening now so please consider a donation. CPTG facilitates educational enrichment grants at VUHS. In the last year CPTG has hosted a SAT Prep Class for students, helped the 8th grade fund a field trip to Hosmer Point camp, outfitted VUHS math teams with team t-shirts, supported students on the French class trip to Canada, and helped sponsor an all-school presentation by Kevin Pierce and his “Love Your Brain” foundation, which was the focus of the senior walk-a-thon. Some of the funds are put to use for teacher/staff appreciation, open house, parent conference nights, and end of year celebrations. In appreciation for donations, we are offering a chance to receive a $100 gift certificate to the Antidote in Vergennes. You can leave your donation (check or cash) at the VUHS main office.
The VUHS Personalized Learning Parent Informational Series continues with a session on Tuesday, April 16, from 6-7 p.m. at the VUHS Library. Parents will be able to learn about the new initiative of Personalized Learning, how it is being implemented, and how it is designed to improve the students’ educational experience. For example, there is planning being done between the VUHS faculty and the staff at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum to support student-led learning on topics such as the microscopy of the lake water, metalworking, and shipwreck artifacts. For more information on this program, visit tinyurl.com/vuhs-plp.
The Bixby Library continues to hold its first Friday monthly movies series. The next event will be Friday, April 5, at 6:30 p.m., in the Bixby’s Community Room. Visit bixbylibrary.org to find out about each month’s movie, which is usually a new release. Also, parents of toddlers are encouraged to take advantage of Bixby’s weekly children’s story hour. These are held every Thursday at 10:30 a.m., and are designed with a specific theme and follow-up craft or activity.
The Second Saturdays’ program offers a variety of activities for children of all ages. Saturdays provide a time for area children to gather at the Bixby with friends, classmates and neighbors. Programs can also be a chance for parents to spend time with their child after a busy workweek. For more information on all these programs, call 802-877-2211 or visit bixbylibrary.org.
The North Ferrisburgh Methodist Church is holding its annual Rummage Sale on Friday, April 12, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday, April 13, from 8 a.m.-11 a.m. Saturday is “Take-Whatever-You-Want” day, with a flat fee of $5 per person. Proceeds support children and youth attending summer camps and mission trips. The church is located at 227 Old Hollow Rd. in North Ferrisburgh. Come an enjoy an old fashioned rummage sale and support our neighborhood youth. For more information, call 802-425-2770.
The Ferrisburgh Historical Society will host Douglas Brooks of Vergennes on Sunday, April 14, at 2 p.m., at the Ferrisburgh Town Offices and Community Center. A boat builder, writer, and researcher, Brooks specializes in the construction of traditional Japanese wooden boats for museums and private clients. He studied with six boat builders from across Japan between 1996-2015, and is currently working with the Henry Sheldon Museum on a comprehensive survey of historic boats and boatbuilding in the Lake Champlain Basin. Brooks teaches classes in boatbuilding, regularly publishes articles on his research, and is the author of “Japanese Wooden Boatbuilding,” the first comprehensive survey of the craft. For more information, contact Silas Towler at 802-425-3380.
The Ferrisburgh Grange King Pede card parties are scheduled for the Saturdays of April 13 and 27. All are invited to participate in these get-togethers. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a sandwich supper and then on to the games. King Pede is a unique game that involves “trick-taking” techniques such as in Hearts and Spades or Pitch. This is a game of fun and skill so come prepared to use your strategic thinking.
Remember to make plans for children and youth summer camps being offered at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. In addition, in April there will be several learning sessions on such arts as bladesmithing, blacksmithing, and bronze casting. For more information on all these events, visit lcmm.org.
NOTE: We are always interested in including a variety of Ferrisburgh-related news in this column, so if you have news that would be of interest, contact Sally Kerschner at [email protected]. You are able to access these columns and other information about Ferrisburgh news and events by viewing the Ferrisburgh Town Website at ferrisburghvt.org.
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