Lions learn about ‘Dinners with Love’
VERGENNES — The Vergennes Lions Club has been very active in recent weeks in and around the communities they serve. All projects are dependent upon the support received by those contributing funds through raffles, auctions, barbeques, etc.
Dictionaries, through the “Words for Thirds” program, were given to all third graders at Vergennes Union Elementary School and the Champlain Valley Christian School. The excitement in the students’ eyes when they receive their own dictionary tells the whole story. Teachers are pleased with the program, and the curiosity they create in the students.
Sarah Audet, from Addison County Home Health and Hospice, recently spoke to the Lions about the “Dinners with Love” program that she helps coordinate. Each Thursday, two meals are provided to families with someone on hospice — one for the caregiver and one for the client. Fourteen different county restaurants donate the meals. One of the chefs said, “It is a great way for our restaurants to connect with real life situations.”
Participants are able to order from a menu when ACHHH workers call on Tuesdays, and volunteer drivers pick up and deliver the meals to the homes. Most restaurants donate meals weekly, but some choose to do so every other week. Audet said there are now eight hospice agencies in Vermont involving 2000 participants in the program.
The Vergennes Rotary Club and the Vergennes Lions Club combined efforts with Shaw’s Supermarket, as they have done the past few years, to get donations for the Vergennes Community Food Shelf to help meet the need for Thanksgiving dinners. Members were at the store asking for donations of food items from Nov. 15-17. Every item donated is greatly appreciated.