Winter fishing talk to be held Dec. 11

MIDDLEBURY — For anyone interested in winter fishing, local guide Andrew Masenas and former guide John Synnott will be talking about winter fishing tactics and opportunities here in Vermont and around Lake Champlain at the New Haven River Anglers Association meeting Tuesday, Dec. 11, form 7-8:30 p.m. at the Swift House Inn.
Masenas and Synnott will share and tie some fly patterns for the cold water and point out several locations where winter fishing is legal. Those wanting to try their hands as the winter fly patterns can bring a vice and spin up a few of these flies. While most supplies will be provided, it would be helpful to have 8/0 thread in black.
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for cash bar and social time. For more information contact Paul Scaramucci at 802-989-5748.

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