
Ferrisburgh news for Nov. 1

Nov. 2: Movie showing “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” Bixby, 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 5: FCS PTO meeting at FCS, 6:15 p.m.
Nov. 6 and 20: Ferrisburgh Town Selectboard meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 6: VUHS Booster Club VUHS Library, 7 p.m.
Nov. 7: Commodore Parent Teacher Group VUHS Library, 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 8: Community Engagement meeting for ANWSD VUHS, 5:30 p.m.
Nov. 10 and 24: Ferrisburgh Grange King Pede card parties, 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 11: Capt. Sherman Lecture LCMM Vergennes Opera House, 3 p.m.
Nov. 11: Ferrisburgh Historical Society Annual Meeting, 2 p.m.
Nov. 15, 16, 17: Musical “Anything Goes” VUHS Auditorium, 7 p.m.
FERRISBURGH — The “King Pede” card parties as held by the Ferrisburgh Grange are scheduled for the Saturdays of Nov. 10 and 24. These get-togethers are held at the Ferrisburgh Town Hall and Community Center. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a sandwich supper and then on to the games. King Pede is a unique game that involves “trick-taking” techniques such as in Hearts and Spades or Pitch. This is a game of fun and skill so come prepared to use your strategic thinking.
This year’s Vergennes Union High/Middle School musical is “Anything Goes” and it is time to get your tickets. This is a classic Cole Porter musical about madcap antics on an ocean liner traveling from New York to London. The performances are scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 15, 16, 17 and the public can call 877-2938 for information about ticket purchases, which will be held at the school and also at Everywhere for Everybody in downtown Vergennes during store hours. As always, we thank the VUHS music department, community volunteers, and the many talented students for what will certainly be a stellar production.
The Commodore Friends of Music is holding its annual Friends of Music Patron Drive. Last year this group raised nearly $25,000 to support such projects as purchasing new instruments, sound system upgrades, and student scholarships. By becoming a Patron of Music, your name or business can be listed in programs for all music events and will strengthen a longstanding tradition of musical excellence at our Vergennes High School and Middle School. For more information, call 877-2938 or visit sites.google.com/site/commodorefriendsofmusic/.
Vergennes Union High School is offering a variety of supports to students for the college admission process. This time of year, there are many campus open houses and information about the colleges and dates of the open houses are posted outside the School Counseling Office. In addition, there are scholarships available for application at this time. Scholarship opportunities are posted on the School Counseling web page and updated on a regular basis: sites.google.com/a/anwsd.org/guidance/scholarship-information.
On Saturday, Nov. 10, from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., there will be a SAT preparation workshop at the VUHS Library. This is for all interested students — those who have taken the SAT or those who will be taking the test for the first time in December. Overall, it is a great opportunity to become better prepared for the exam. For more information, including a more thorough explanation of the workshop, cost (including financial assistance), and how to register, visit tinyurl.com/VUHS-SAT-prep Many thanks to the Commodore Parent/Teacher Group for making this opportunity possible.
The Vergennes Opera House offers a presentation by the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum on Captain Jahaziel Sherman, a noted steamboat pioneer. Kevin Crisman, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Maritime Archeology and Conservation at Texas A & M University will share stories of Sherman’s adventurous life and the recent archaeological discoveries of Sherman’s early steamboats in Lake Champlain. Sherman was at the forefront of the world’s steamboat revolution and ran a steamboat on the Hudson in competition with Robert Fulton. The event will be on Sunday, Nov. 11, from 3 to 5 p.m. and is free. However, an RSVP is requested at lcmm.org/rsvp-jahaziel-and-.
Ferrisburgh Central School families contributed to the ANWSD Community Engagement meeting on Oct. 25 for the Community Engagement Committee’s community conversation at VUHS. At the meeting, the CEC presented about the history of our area schools and gave an overview of the CEC process. The families, educators and community members participated in a discussion about their ideas for the future of Addison Northwest Supervisory District. These ideas will be collated and there will be a follow up meeting on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 5:30 p.m., at VUHS. For more information, call FCS at 877-3463 or visit surveymonkey.com/r/PC67FMB.
All are encouraged to visit the Bixby Library — on-line bixbylibrary.org — to see the schedule of all their fall and winter events. A reminder that Bixby offers ongoing technology assistance on Thursdays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Call 877-2211 to sign up for a slot with Dave Sullivan who will answer all your technology questions. Also, this month’s First Friday Movie Series will be “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” on Friday, Nov. 2, at 6:30 p.m..
The Ferrisburgh Historical Society will hold its Annual Meeting and Potluck on Sunday, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m., at the former Center Schoolhouse building at the corner of Route 7 and Little Chicago Road. The meeting will include election of officers, discussion of regular business, and a program on old diaries the FHS has in its collection. If you have any old local diaries, bring them along to share. For more information, call Silas Towler at 425-3380.
NOTE: We are always interested in including a variety of Ferrisburgh-related news in this column, so if you have news that would be of interest, contact Sally Kerschner at [email protected]. You are able to access these columns and other information about Ferrisburgh news and events by viewing the Ferrisburgh Town Website at ferrisburghvt.org.

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