Letter to the editor: Audet, Ralston have entered race for the right reasons

I’m chagrined to read the recent string of negative letters about the Audet-Ralston ticket. Perhaps more than disappointed, I’m suspect about the motivation. I like to read about why someone supports a candidate; I don’t want to know why you don’t support others and choose to make this opinion public.
I’ve lived in this community for nearly 40 years and have never heard anything to make me doubt that Marie Audet and Paul Ralston have entered this race for all the right reasons, ultimately to do their part in making Vermont the best state it can be. For me, the fact they opted to run as a duo and as Independents communicates a focus on collaboration, and the belief that problems are solved most effectively when everyone works well with others and not along party lines. The fact that both candidates have developed such successful businesses also speaks to an ability to listen to feedback, make complicated decisions, and play well with others to accomplish goals.
It takes courage to run for political office, open oneself to public scrutiny, and state one’s ideas about how to make Vermont a better place. Let’s make this process more cordial, to encourage more innovative candidates to enter the ring.
I will cast my votes for Paul Ralston and Marie Audet and I encourage you to do the same.
Louise Vojtisek

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