Learn about backyard birds at Middlebury talk
MIDDLEBURY — Birds are widespread and familiar creatures. They are, perhaps, the vertebrates we are most familiar with in our day-to-day lives, aside from other humans and our pets. An opportunity to learn more about them will occur on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 4:30 p.m., McCardell Bicentennial Hall 216, Middlebury College.
In “Ecological and Evolutionary Insights from Backyard Birds,” Dr. Scott Taylor, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Colorado, Boulder, will share some of the insight gained from studies he is conducting. His lab studies birds to gain insights into the impacts that anthropogenic changes are having on where animals live and how they interact. From his work on a number of common backyard species researchers are gaining a better understanding of the pace at which birds can respond to warmer winters, and are just beginning to understand how cites alter the way closely related species of birds interact.
More information is available online here. Light refreshments will be served.