House, Senate hopefuls to spar at Oct. 17 debate
BRISTOL — Voters will get a chance to learn about candidates on the Nov. 6 ballot at the Addison County Chamber of Commerce and Addison County Economic Development Corporation’s candidates forum in Bristol next Wednesday. The Oct. 17 forum will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mount Abraham Union High School.
Tim Buskey, a familiar voice at the Grange legislative breakfasts, will moderate the event.
The Oct. 17 event is at 220 Airport Road in Bristol. It will feature candidates for the state Senate and for the Addison 4 and 5 House districts.
This will be the third of three forums featuring Addison County candidates for the Vermont Legislature; Vergennes Union High School hosted one on Oct. 3 and Middlebury Union High School will host candidates from Addison 1, 2 and Addison-Rutland House districts from 6-8 p.m.
As the public enters the forum, they will be asked to write a topic area on a card (e.g. taxes, workplace requirements, regulation, marijuana, etc.). During the candidate introductions, event organizers will aggregate the responses and the moderator will ask questions related to the most requested topics. If time allows, questions will also be allowed from the floor.
“These forums are an important part of the democratic process, allowing all candidates’ positions to be heard in an open exchange,” Chamber President Rob Carter said. “This year should be especially interesting, as there are several contended races in Addison County.”
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