
Letter to the editor: Trump’s fake reality

I was “mad as hell” when Nixon was the leader. Now that phrase doesn’t even begin to express my ire that has been generated by Trump’s authoritarian rule. As with all ruling parties that disregard the rule of law, the notion of “truth” is an utterly useless concept. Depending on the source, Trump lies more than 50 percent of the time (some reckon the right number is 70 percent plus). One might ask: “How do you know Trump is lying?” The answer: “His lips are moving.”
OK, that’s an old joke, but unfortunately for us it is uncomfortably true.
Trump has lashed out at every media platform that has questioned his actions and his statements. The only TV outlet that has not been labeled as a promulgator of “fake news” is the delightful and insightful group at Fox News (just kidding). They, like Trump et al, are intent on selling us their take on reality that, in my opinion, would better be described as “fake reality.” And, just last week Trump voided the top security clearance for the ex-CIA head and Trump has promised that more folks will lose their top security clearance very soon.
Guess What? All of those people have been critical of Trump and his administration. It seems to me that Trump would be a happy camper if, like in China and Russia, he could control what we citizens see, hear and think about. Orwellian?
So, do a lying president and his administration really make any difference? After all, the economy is doing OK. Employment is at a record high. The Red Sox are having a historic season. The answer is a definitive YES! Trump’s lies and buffoonery have weakened our relations with all of our allies — even including our two stalwarts — England and Canada.
But, that’s just for starters. Constant battering of minorities (based on spurious claims that minorities are subpar human beings) by Trump and his administration divides our country. The KKK is one of Trump’s biggest fans. And the recent tax reform — billed to do wondrous things for the middle class — is actually a boon for the “one-percenters”. At some point, hopefully sooner than later, the majority of Americans will no longer see Trump as a leader. Rather, they will see him for what he really is:  A prevaricator and self-serving would-be oligarch.
Bill Brown, Bristol

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