
Lincoln News for Feb. 15, 2018

LINCOLN — The 2018 Winter Olympics are officially underway and I’m so excited to watch the amazingly talented Team U.S.A. go for the gold. The Parade of Nations is always a highlight for me. You can just feel the Olympic spirit as the athletes beam with pride waving their nation’s flag, taking selfies with their teammates and dancing along with the music. Good luck to all of the athletes.
The U.S.A.’s first gold medal of the games was awarded to 17-year-old Redmond Gerard in the Snowboarding Slopestyle Final. Go Team USA.
We’re celebrating a special birthday in our household this month. Happy Birthday, Jacob. I can’t believe you’ll be a decade old on February 18th. Wishing you the best birthday ever. I love you.
The third- and fourth-graders at Lincoln Community School are partnering with Middlebury College students on their senior projects, which are focused on Lincoln both past and present. Upon invitation from the Burnham Foundation Committee and the Lincoln Select Board, we will be interviewing Lincoln residents. We welcome individual and family groups to come share your stories and memories of Lincoln.
Interviews will be conducted by Middlebury College students, some partnered with third and fourth graders,  from Feb. 13 through the Feb. 28 with daytime and evening possibilities. If you are interested in sharing please contact Devon MacLeod ([email protected]), Anna Howell ([email protected]), Dylan Sparks ([email protected]), or John Elder ([email protected]).
Lincoln Community School will be closed for winter break Feb.19-23.
The Lincoln Library will be holding an afternoon craft session on Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 3-4 p.m. Join Lausanne in making colorful friendship bracelets by knitting, twisting or braiding yarn. Materials and snack provided. Please sign up at the library or email [email protected].
REMINDER: The Lincoln Community School Japan Cultural Study Festival is Friday, Feb. 16, in the multi-purpose room. Lunch is $5 for adults, $2.50 for children and starts at noon. Contact Deirdre at 802-453-2119 or [email protected] to make a reservation. Festival activities and performances begin at 1:00 p.m.
Until next time … Show your Olympic Spirit. Believe. Enjoy the Journey.

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