
Letter to the editorr: Help sought for 50th Green Up Day

Wanted. Person or persons to collaborate on planning a spectacular May 3rd 2018 Green Up Day in Middlebury!
Green Up Day celebrates its 50th anniversary this year and our unique state custom should be celebrated with pomp, circumstance and green bags stuffed with trash from Middlebury’s roadsides, fields and impromptu dump sites.
The effort needs a cross-section of folks to help — parents, scouts, service clubs, businesses, neighborhoods, schools, churches, college groups … you get the picture and you can be a part of the process. This is a special Green Up year and with minimal up-front organization it can be the most successful yet!
As the person who has kinda, sorta been in charge of Green Up Day for too many years, it is time for me to step back and pass the green up bags along to a larger, more in-touch and active grass roots (pun intended) group. I am willing to collaborate and consult, but Green Up Day needs your input and help. Please contact me and/or the Town Manager if you are willing to help. 
Let’s make  number fifty the best green up day ever!
Peg Martin

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