
Letter to the Editor: This country needs to build a wall — around its leader

Enough is more than enough! How much longer are we going to have to put up with this tyrant Trump?
I hope the some of those that voted for him are starting to see that he and his policies are damaging our country from within and in the eyes of the world. We are all adversely affected by his attempts to roll back the hard-fought accomplishments to clean up our environment, his persecution and discrimination against members of our nation that aren’t white, his collusion with the rich in order to sow corruption, his attempts with his cohorts in the Repugnantan party to steal health benefits from millions, his attempts to weaken our public education system, his desires to weaken labor laws that protect workers, his unleashing the military to disregard all caution when bombing targets in the Middle East that are resulting in a huge number of civilian casualties and that are a great recruiting tool for ISIS and Al Qaeda, and how he continues to lie and lie about virtually everything else! He, his supporters and his party are dangerous, and are driving this country toward fascism.
Let’s give Donald J. Trump his wall. A wall around him, that is, and give us our country back!
Bruce Acciavatti

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