Letter to the editor: Solar farms as bad as billboards
I am writing in response to the article recently posted on solar fields. I have seen solar fields popping up all over Vermont. We as Vermonters have always valued the beauty Vermont has. We passed laws to preserve the beauty of Vermont by outlawing billboards along our roadways. I feel solar fields are just as bad as billboards, they stick out like a sore thumb.
I love the idea of creating renewable energy to protect the environment, but I feel we have better places to put the solar panels. If we site them in better places then we won’t be destroying habitat that animals use or our amazing views. Other places we could put solar panels are on the roofs of houses and buildings and over parking areas. Siting solar panels in this way doesn’t take habitat away and destroy Vermont’s beauty.
Another concern I have is what is going to happen when we find a better way to obtain renewable energy or when we have to decommission the solar fields. Will we just take them down and throw them in landfills creating more waste, more pollution and more problems my generation will need to solve? We really need consider better places for the panels instead of these giant fields full of them.
Ethan Sausville (age 17)