Naturalist to discuss moose population on Jan. 12
NEW HAVEN — Naturalist Tina Scharf of Lincoln will give a talk in New Haven on Thursday about some of the reasons moose populations have declined across North America in the southern end of their range. She will also discuss how this phenomenon illustrates general concepts of population dynamics.
The Jan. 12 talk titled “Where Have All the Moose Gone?” will take place at the New Haven Town Hall, begins at 7 p.m. and is part of the Armchair Naturalist Speaker Series, sponsored by the New Haven Conservation Commission.
Scharf has a Master’s Degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of Vermont. Her thesis subject was “Impact of moose bark stripping on mountain ash in Vermont.” She worked for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, including seven years as the Osprey Recovery Project coordinator.
She was a researcher on the 2009 “Critical Paths” study for the National Wildlife Federation, in which moose played a central role. Scharf now works as a consulting wildlife biologist.
Admission is free.
The Armchair Naturalist Speaker Series is held the second Thursday of the month.