Public invited to take part in ‘Messiah Sing’ this Sunday

MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Congregational Church will once again host the area’s annual “Messiah Sing” this Sunday. Jeff Rehbach, conductor of the Middlebury College Community Chorus, leads the sing-along of this famous work by George Frederic Handel for choir and orchestra.
Come join friends and neighbors for a joyous afternoon of community music-making at the Middlebury Congregational Church, beginning at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 18. Singers, instrumentalists and all who enjoy music are warmly welcomed to sing and play, or simply to watch and listen. A $5 contribution ($10/family) is requested at the door.
This year’s reading continues the tradition of featuring soloists drawn from Middlebury and other communities throughout Vermont, including Leila McVeigh, Grace Weber, Jim Wright, Joe McVeith, Adam Hall, and Erin Grainger. Solo numbers will be accompanied by string players from nearby towns and villages: Molly Bidwell, Carole Fenn, Hilary Hatch, and Emily Sunderman. Harpsichord maker Robert Hicks, Jr. of Lincoln, VT provides one his fine hand-crafted keyboard instruments, played by Jenny Bower, organist at the Vergennes Congregation Church. A listing of chorus works may be found on the community chorus web page at
Chorus music and orchestra parts (for strings, oboe/flute, bassoon, and trumpets in C) are provided, as we read many of the finest choruses from this beloved oratorio. If you have your own copy of the Messiah, bring it along. If you plan to play in the orchestra, bring a music stand and arrive 15 minutes early. The Middlebury Community Chorus provides refreshments for all to enjoy during intermission. For more information, email [email protected] or leave a message at 989-7355.

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