Letter to the editor: College students help city kids
It was a pleasure to read Karl Lindholm’s article on Middlebury College student Matt St. Amour. The article however did not mention another way that Matt gives back to the community. For the past two years Matt and teammate Liam Naughton have been coaching a youth basketball team in Vergennes. As a ProCity AAU Basketball board member and team manager I have been impressed with Matt and Liam’s commitment to our area youth.
These student athletes both carry full academic loads and yet each spring since their sophomore year they have volunteered to coach, after their own busy season. They devote two afternoons each week to practices and five weekends, both Saturday and Sunday, between mid-March and mid-May to attend tournaments around the state with the team. This is an amazing commitment for a college student to make.
Matt and Liam have not only shared basketball skills but also life skills, encouraging academic success along with success on the court. They show up at each practice ready to execute a plan and see improvement in their players. The bond formed between these young men and their players carries over to the rest of the year. The AAU team supports Matt and Liam at their Middlebury games joining their parents in the northwest corner of Pepin gym.
Matt and Liam try to attend the boys’ school games, when their schedules allow. I am sure Matt and Liam have learned from their players and their influence on the boys shows up on and off the court. ProCity Basketball would like to thank all of our volunteer coaches, parents and players. It truly is a community effort. As for Matt and Liam we will miss them when they graduate in May and wish them well on their next endeavors.
Lisa Sausville
ProCity Basketball Board Member/Team Manager