Get a permanent hunting license before Jan. 1
MONTPELIER — The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is reminding hunters and anglers of changes to permanent license laws that go into effect starting Jan. 1, 2017. A permanent hunting and fishing license is currently available to Vermont residents aged 65 and older for a one-time fee of $50. StartingJan. 1, the eligible age will be raised to 70 and the license will be free.
The department is urging hunters and anglers aged 65 to 68 who don’t yet have a permanent license to purchase one beforemidnightonDec.31. Eligible current 2016 license holders can purchase a permanent license in person at a license agent or Fish & Wildlife Department district office. Those who have not purchased a 2016 license yet can either purchase a permanent license in person at a license agent or district office or online at Hunters and anglers who already have a permanent license do not need to purchase another but should renew theirs in 2017.
Those without a permanent license who will turn 70 before the next hunting or fishing season should wait until their 70th birthday to pick up a 2017 permanent license, at which time it will be available to them for free.
The change in eligibility was made to bring Vermont’s permanent license structures in line with neighboring states. In New York and Massachusetts, hunters and anglers are eligible for a permanent license at age 70. New Hampshire does not offer a permanent license, but instead offers a discount on annual licenses starting at age 68.
A permanent license allows the holder to hunt and fish without purchasing additional licenses for the rest of their lifetime. Vermont’s permanent license includes all regular season tags, including archery, muzzleloader and turkey tags. An additional tag for second archery, moose and antlerless lotteries, and waterfowl stamps must be purchased separately. Permanent licenses must be renewed every year, which is free of charge online or at any district office.
Permanent licenses are different from lifetime licenses, which can be purchased at any age and are generally purchased for young children.
Anyone with questions about the change should see the department website ( or call the licensing office at802-828-1190.