ACTR announces Snow Bowl run schedule
MIDDLEBURY — ACTR kicks off its daily Snow Bowl Shuttle Bus Ski Season Schedule on Monday, Dec. 19, just in time for school vacation! The Snow Bowl bus connects Middlebury to Rikert and the Snow Bowl via East Middlebury. The ski season weekday schedule will offer six runs Mondays through Thursdays and eight on Fridays. The ski season weekend schedule will offer six runs on both Saturdays and Sundays.
Regular fare on the Snow Bowl Shuttle is $1 each way. Reduced fare is 50 cents each way for those ages 6-17, 60+, or ADA eligible. Monthly passes for January and/or February are now available for purchase in addition to the 10-ride passes that are available year-round. Middlebury College students with valid ID can ride the Snow Bowl Shuttle fare-free thanks to support from their Student Government Association.
ACTR announces its holiday schedule information. On the Saturdays of Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, there will be no change to Middlebury or Snow Bowl Shuttle schedules. However, different holiday afternoon hours are scheduled for Burlington LINK and Rutland Connector, ending the service day earlier: the last LINK loop of the day will depart Middlebury’s Merchants Row at 3:15 p.m.; the afternoon Rutland Connector buses will depart Middlebury’s Merchants Row at 12:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m.
There will be no bus service on Christmas Day. On New Year’s Day, the Snow Bowl Shuttle will be the only bus running. On the Mondays following Christmas and New Year’s Day, the Snow Bowl Shuttle will be the only ACTR bus running and ACTR’s administrative office will be closed.
For more schedule information visit or call 388-ACTR(2287).