Monkton youth get a say in town planning
MONKTON — The Monkton Planning Commission (MPC) is looking for a high school senior or junior from Monkton who to join the commission. This is a great opportunity for a young person to participate in town government and to help plan the town’s future direction.
This is also a way for the planning commission to listen to the younger generation’s voice and opinion on town matters and a way for youth to engage meaningfully in their community and in the workings of town government.
The Monkton Planning Commission is working on a number of interesting projects. The candidate would be expected to participate in discussions but would be a non-voting member.
The commission’s function is to steer the town’s future development and services in a direction in concert with the town residents’ desires and all applicable state laws and regulations. In this respect, the planning commission undertakes capacity studies and makes recommendations on matters of land development, transportation, economic and social development, urban beautification and design improvements, historic and scenic preservation, the conservation of energy, the development of renewable energy resources and wetland protection.
Interested students should contact the Monkton Planning Commission by email at [email protected] or by letter dropped off with the town clerk.
In other ongoing activities, the planning commission is conducting a town-wide survey to understand the parameters and issues that will shape the future direction of Monkton. Commission members are telling residents that their input is important and will help provide guidance in the update to the next town plan. While the commission has put forward a range of questions important to town planning there is plenty of scope for residents to voice their opinions or make suggestions.
“This is your opportunity to make your voice heard on issues that you feel are important to the town,” said a press release sent out recently by planning commission secretary Ivor Hughes. “Surveys are only meaningful if we can have significant participation by residents, so please fill out yours by either going to the website or filling in a paper copy.”
For web access there is a link to “Take the Survey” on the right hand side of the Monkton town home web page at, or residents may request a paper copy from the town clerk by calling 453-3800.
Finally, the Monkton Planning Commission wishes to thank voters for adopting the updated Unified Planning Document voted on at the Nov. 8 election.